Thursday, November 11, 2010

Idea of an Ideal Match

What is your idea of your ideal match? Or who is your ideal match? Or how do you visualize your ideal match? Well, you sure have heard that one, at least once! (I have heard it just about a few thousands of times, I guess). And I also have the ‘bad’ habit of asking this question to people I know! It’s irritating, even I acknowledge that, but it’s just too interesting, and therefore too irresistible!

There’s always this phase of fantasy – the time when every girl is waiting for a knight in shining armor and every guy is waiting for a princess as delicate as a flower petal or as charming as a moonbeam. This is time we dream of a man with qualities like chivalry, honor, valor, strength, honesty, etc, etc or a woman who can be described with adjectives like beauty, virtue, innocence, intelligence, et al.

And then inevitably comes the phase of first love – the magic begins. It usually begins in school, at least mine did. Felt as if I was the only one who has ever experienced something as exquisite as love. A few glances, holding hands, exchange of silly things and loads of dreams (an overdose of fantasies and fairy tales do have that sort of an outcome)!

You will often hear that you never forget your first love. Well, I have. My opinion - that is what happens with time. Or maybe I am just an unfeeling monster!

After the fading away of this phase of the all too famous, or infamous, first love comes a stage of disbelief. You find that all guys (don’t take offense guys, it’s just the same for you) are just disgusting. They are never to be trusted. This usually is a repercussion of the ‘lost love’ situation you face.

After you have fumed and vented a lot, you feel that this is how every love story ends – in tragedy. Life seems all too like ‘Roman Holiday’ where Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn may romance for the entire movie but have to part at the end. Tragedy seems to be what we are all cut out for.

Next is another hurdle – you fall for guys (or gals) who have no interest in you. And the ones that fall for you are not worth the effort. The world seems to be a miserable place to live in and love is just a silly fantasy that exists in mills and boon novels. You are sure that you are going to die an old maid (or man) without a companion.

It is only after you mature you understand what love means to you. It’s relative. And it’s not about Prince Charming or Princess Cinderella. No one is sure what his /her ideal match is until he or she meets the person. You may have vague ideas but the truth can be just the opposite.

Once you are in love you are sure to understand that it is not about how handsome he is (or how pretty she is) or about qualities that define a hero or a heroine. It is all about the feeling of completeness… how you feel when you are with him… how you share your worlds… and how you create an world of your own...

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